If the White House Believes in the Power of YouTube Creators, Shouldn’t You?


Next Tuesday, January 22, YouTube creators Bethany Mota, GloZell and Hank Green will interview President Obama live on YouTube. They have asked their viewers to share their questions via #YouTubeAsksObama and the question could get featured during the interview. See @WhiteHouse tweet below for their trailer on the upcoming broadcast.


If the White House believes in the marketing power of YouTube creators, don’t you think it’s time your brand give it a shot?

Combined Bethany Mota, GloZell and Hank Green have 13 million subscribers. Bethany Mota’s latest video “Throw A DIY Party! Quick Treats, Party favors + Outfits!” had 2.6 million views.  (To put this in context, Empire, the number one broadcast that night, brought in 10.3 million viewers) These are YouTube powerhouses that have reach, relevance and an immutable connection with their audience. Meaning when they talk (or launch videos in this case), their young and highly social audience listens and tells a friend.

For more insight into how YouTube Creators do it differently, see A New Realm of Television: Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, Oh My!


The President and the White House administration has granted three YouTube creators – one of them a teenager – a sit-down with the President. Do you know how many well credentialed journalists are literally throwing their newspapers, magazines and smartphones down in agony? (wait, do journalists still read newspapers…I digress). But this is not what makes this exciting. It’s because the White House has legitimized these YouTube creators marketing power. If you didn’t believe in them before, you have to take a second look now.

Yes, many advertisers have been listening to this growing group of creators (and their sales teams). I’ve seen some great branded content and sponsorships. Of course, I’m can’t confirm the direct business results, but I would imagine it gets them some cheap buzz (i.e. not expensive TV spots) with just the right audience.

Remember: YouTube creators can tell you EXACTLY who their audience it for a given video.

And, a lot of them, now have media agency partners to connect brands with YouTube networks in a more efficient ways. These creators have tons of momentum and connection with an audience base leaving traditional TV in droves. It’s time to take your extra budget and test the waters…

Some stuff I found on Makerstudios.com (yes, the MCN bought by Disney)

I guarantee you can find just as valuable opportunities with non-corporate owned networks and probably for a smaller price tag.

The Maker Studios campaign for Pitch Perfect garnered 13M views….13 MILLION VIEWS! If a brand or movie studio attempted this on their own, it would take a lot of PR and a lot of cash. This Maker Studios sponsorship & branded entertainment piece probably came a lot cheaper.

Check it out below…
